Asta beyza

Age: 21

Pronouns: he/him

Culture: alabastrian

fighting style: unknown

eye color: purple and blue

height: 6'2

weight: 200 lbs.

Asta is the son of Commander Beyza, the current ruler of Alabastria. He was born with no affinity for cryomancy but instead a physical release that allows his body to adapt and mutate to match his needs and desires. This ability is looked at as a curse by his father because not only is it outside the norm of Alabastrian practices and culture but his father also believes it is the reason his wife Freya died during Asta’s birth. If it were up to Beyza, Asta would be dead but his highly adaptive physical release makes killing him extremely difficult, because of this Beyza uses Asta as a secret weapon for some of Alabastria’s most dangerous missions. Asta is aware of his father’s hatred for him yet still has love for him, his journey to cope with this friction has given him a thirst for powerful opponents, in his mind every battle he overcomes is a slap in his father's face and also an opportunity for his father to finally see his value.

Abilities: Asta was born with no affinity for cryomancy but instead a physical release that allows his body to adapt and mutate to match his needs and desires. He is a rare example of someone who’s release is constantly active because he was born with it active.

Asta's body can mutate and reshape according to whatever Asta’s survival needs are, he can increase and decrease muscle mass, the length of his limbs, the toughness or malleability of his body, he change the shape of his bone structure and skeleton, and the longer he sees a fighting style the more of it he can mimic.